Karachi TDAP“Seminar on“Issues and Challenges of Export of Honey”for Agro& Food Industry heldon13thDecemner, 2024 at the Serhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

TDAP“Seminar on“Issues and Challenges of Export of Honey”for Agro& Food Industry held on 13th Decemner, 2024 at the Serhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry. wherein,morethan50participantsfromHoneyindustryparticipated.

ThisseminarwasorganizedincollaborationwithHoneyBeekeepingAssociationand Sarhad Chamber of Commerceand Industry to explorethe issues in supply chain of HoneyProduct. Pakistan honeyhas been facing a decline in exportsand it was necessary to gather stakeholders to discuss the issues and recommend way forward to make PakistanHoneyacompetitiveproductintheinternational market.

ThewelcomeaddresswasgivenbyMr.AtharKhokhar,DirectorGeneralAgro&Food Division,TDAP,while emphasizingonimportance ofHoneypotentialasexport product. HegaveanoverviewoftheeffortsbeendonebyTDAPtopromoteitglobally.Healso reassuredthe participantsthatTDAPwill providenecessarysupportandassistanceto develop business and trade. A proposal for outgoing delegation was also assured to Gulf countries topromote andcapture the untappedpotential.

In the mainsession, five speakers from theindustry shared theirexperiences onvarying topics. Ms. Sadia Khan, Trade and Investment Councellor Jeddah Saudi Arabia gave presentationonExportPotentialofHoneyinSaudiMarket,Mr.KhalidRafique,Research Officer, Honeybeekeeping Research Institute, Islamabad gave presentation on Export Potentialof HoneyPakistan, Mr.KhalidYounas, Research Officer,Agriculture Research Institute, TurnabPeshawar gave presentation on Status of Honey beekeepingin Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Mr. Rashid Aman, Regional Chief SMEDA KP, gave presentation on SMEDA Initiatives in HoneyCluster Development in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Mr. Ayaz Muhammad Deputy Director TDAP Peshawar,gave presentation on TDAP Marketing strategy for Export of Honey.

Intheend,theclosingremarksandvoteofthankswasdeliveredbyMr.FazalMoqeem Khan, President SCCI, in which he urged the audience to mutually collaborate to develop andpromoteHoneyproductofPakistan.



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