Ms. Alina a highly committed, hardworking and intelligent Pakistani womanher motivational story for our youth
Human beings are super creature and Allah subhana hu taala has given them some extra ordinary power, characteristics and hidden immense treasures of talent and abilities in them. They just have to explore their talent, do hard work and have firm belief in Allah (even if they don’t Allah will do justice with them and gives rewards against their hardworking in this world), the sky is limit for their success. Women are also gifted some very special talent and whenever they have been provided a chance they proved it. Alina is among those youth who represent Pakistan abroad by presenting a soft image of Pakistan and proved that how much talented are Pakistani women. The News Lark is engaged in highlighting Pakistan’s bright face here and abroad and always encourage Pakistani youth to exhibit their best talent and serve for the cause of their beloved homeland here and abroad. Mr. Jawed Malik, Chief Editor the News Lark, Ms. Shama Munshi Director News, The News Lark and Dr. Syed Mehboob, Senior Research Editor got a chance to exchange the views with Ms. Alina and to know the secret of her success.
Ms. Alina said it is not possible to get success overnight. It needs a lot of concentration, patience, hard work, vision and firm faith in Almighty Allah. She is equipped with spiritual power besides have contemporary, modern and professional education. She recalled the days, when she was in Karachi and like ordinary Pakistani women struggling day and night for her better future. He father has a small business but equipped with high manner, ethics and values. He encouraged her daughter to get higher education. She closed her eyes and shared her early youth days when she was graduating at ZABIST. She simultaneously was doing a job from 9 to 6 p.m. and then from 6.30 to 9.30 p.m., she used to attend classes at SZABIST. She shared an unforgettable moment of her life when one day her teacher asked from students how much salary did they expect after completion of their graduation. Everybody was surprised when Alina shred her expectations. It was three to four times more than everyone. At that time everybody laughed at her and said that she is too ambitious to know the ground reality and lives in an imaginary world which is different from real one. Even her teacher hurl remarks on her that what extra ordinary quality did she possess which forced her for this expectation. At that time Alina exhibited great patience and did not disclose to her class fellows that what the amount everybody expecting she was already earning and definitely after graduation she was right to expect to earn at least twice of that. When she graduated she applied for a job and after interviews she was asked to join and also what salary she wanted to draw. She demanded exact the amount what we shared with her class fellows. Her demand was accepted and when she received her appointment letter she rushed to tell her teacher once who passed a sarcastic remark on her. When she showed her appointment letter to her teacher he was surprised and said” Alina we are proud of you” and said” tum ne tu kamal kardiya” (You have done marvellous job).
Since then she never looked back. She did her masters in Marketing from one of the top universities in Malaysia. After her masters she shifted to Australia and started a marketing job. She was well versed in English but her accent was Pakistani. She overcomed her deficiency and excelled in communication skills. She received many awards and acclaims. Then she started her own business and invested one million rupees. She is now a very successful entrepreneur and has four houses in Australia but her soul is still in Pakistan and sheis proud that she is Pakistani. She off and on visits Pakistan and has a vast social network here.
She is fitness conscious and despite having breathing difficulties she started running and slowly gradually she enhanced her stamina from 100 meters to five kilometres and till august 2020 she could run at a distance of 10 km and within a year she was able to run 20 km and now she can run about forty kilometres. That is a wonderful achievement for a woman who has a lot of professional and social responsibilities still she can manage for her physical health besides having a spiritual power and offers her prayers as well.
In a reply to our query what message would she like to giver to our youth she said that they need to have concentration, hardworking, have a social network with professionals, intellectuals and successful entrepreneurs. It is thousand times better to be an entrepreneur than an employee with meagre resources. Above all , they need always to have an aim of life as aimless life is wastes talent.
It was a pleasant experience to talk and to know the story of a Pakistani woman who did excellent job and proved that nothing is impossible if you have a commitment, Alina is a bright star of Pakistan and her success story is very inspiring and must be shared with our youth. Pakistani youth are highly talented, energetic and represent 60% of Pakistan. There is a need to provide them necessary guidance, to facilitate them and to give them a vision. They can turn impossible into possible and to enable Pakistan a highly dignified status into international arena.